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Please read the following carefully before signing and returning your Entry Form


1. The Italian Job – a European social motoring event – is organised & promoted in aid of children’s charities. It is understood that each team shall use their best endeavors to reach their target of £1,500.00 or to raise as much money as possible. Raising money for the nominated charities is a condition of Entry.

2. Support of other charitable projects is strictly subject to the Organisers approval.

3. All sponsorship money collected must be sent ASAP to the Organisers office.

Any money donated to entrants to defray their costs is a matter between the two parties so long as the donor is in full agreement and provided the team sponsorship target has been reached.

4. Unless otherwise stated all Sponsorship money raised will be divided as follows: 90% to the nominated Charities – 10% to the Italian Job development Fund. Subject to prior arrangements with the Organisers, overseas participants will be permitted to donate up to 50% of the sponsorship money raised to a registered children’s charity within their own country.

5. The event name and logo cannot be reproduced without the prior consent of the Organisers.

6. The Charity’s name and logo cannot be reproduced without the prior consent of the Charity.

7. Acceptance of an application for participation will be sent within 10 days of receipt of a completed entry form which must be accompanied by a deposit of minimum £200.00.

8. The organisers reserve the right to decline acceptance of an application for participation.


9. Minimum age requirement for all Drivers is 21 years and 19 for co. drivers. Younger persons may participate only if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian but may be excluded from participating in the navigational drive. The event is NOT recommended for very young children.

10. All vehicles must be Mini/MINI, Mini based kit cars or classic cars featured in the original film.
Occasionally other period cars not related to the film may be invited to participate.

11. Both doors of each participating vehicle are reserved for displaying official decals and team numbers and must be kept free of advertising and sponsors messages.

12. All Drivers and co-drivers must fully comply with the European highway code and on request be able to present;

  • a valid driving licence
  • log book
  • car insurance certificate
  • MOT certificate
  • continental breakdown cover as well as all legally required spares parts.

All vehicles must pass the official vehicle scrutiny and document check at the registration point.

Failure to comply with or part of clause 11 and 12 may result in non participation in the event and in such cases no compensation or refund will be given to defaulting teams.

13. Irresponsible driving and/or behavior may result in immediate expulsion from the event. The Italian Job is a no-drink and drive event and we reserve the right to refuse participation to any person suspected – at the departure point – of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. We would appreciate if co-driver could refrain from drinking at lunch time.

14. To qualify for the finisher awards and certificate of participation, teams must check-in at the registration point, and at the finish point and complete all visits and tasks on the date, time and place specified each year in the final itinerary.


15. The inclusive cost will vary each year and the services included will be detailed in the outlined itinerary. In addition to the travel, accommodation and food the cost will always include: official decals and numbers, Jobbers baseball cap, souvenir program, finishers award, certificate of participation, fundraising help pack, full time assistance of the Organisers office, assistance of a service crew and marshals team escorting the event, all visits & activities detailed in the road
book, scrutineering, briefings, classification and awards, service charges & local taxes.

16. Outline itinerary and costs will be advised at the date specified in the advance information.

17. Amounts and dates due for deposits and balance of payment may vary each year and will be detailed on the Entry Form. All cheques must be made payable to The Italian Job and sent to the organisers office. Payment by bank transfers are preferred.

18. Cancellation must be made in writing together with a full account of all sponsorship received. Charges may vary each year and will be clearly detailed on the Entry Form.

19. The organisers reserve the right to apply a late payment admin fee of £20.00 per person.

20. All quoted costs are based upon currency exchange rates valid at the month of January. The organisers reserve the right to apply a reasonable increase in case of an unfavorable currency fluctuation against the Sterling.


21. The Organisers of the Italian Job – a European social motoring event – cannot accept responsibility for any vehicle or personal loss. The Organisers maintain a third party and public liability insurance cover for the activities organized at the assembly points as detailed in the event Road Book

22. Car Insurance is a condition of entry and must cover drivers travelling to and from the Start/Finish of the event and to/from each assembly point as detailed in the Road Book

23. European breakdown cover is a condition of entry. Personal medical cover is highly recommended.


24. All visits detailed in the itinerary are subject to any act, event, omission or accident beyond the reasonable control of the Italian Job Organisers including without limitation pandemics, epidemics, outbreaks of disease, quarantine restrictions, public order disturbance, flood, storm, adverse weather conditions, natural events, fire, strikes, lock-out or other industrial dispute and/or nuclear accident, act of God, war, terrorist activity, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, act of
government, compliance with any change to law, statutory guidance, non-statutory guidance. If any such events occur the Organisers will endeavor to act in the best interest of all participants and reserve the right to amend the itinerary, location and/or services provided as they shall deem necessary.

25. It is understood that the signature on the Entry Form signifies understanding, acceptance and compliance with all above Rules & Regulations, by ALL persons named on the Entry Form.

Last updated September 2022

Italian Job
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